Fakultní škola Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity

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 ZŠ Horníkova 1  MŠ Horníkova 1  MŠ Poláčkova 13 

Cooking lesson with Susan

After many lessons of English with Susan, she offered us cooking instead of a normal double lesson. We, of course, agreed and decided to make some Susan’s favourite food (the recipe and ingredients are below). In one of our last English lessons, on June 13th 2023, we went into the kitchen. When the lesson started, Susan was already there preparing the beef, and had all the ingredients ready. Most of us quickly found some work, and the rest of us were documenting and making this article and other organization things. It smelled really good, it was very loud there, but we were organized and there weren’t too many problems, just some problems with the kitchen tools, but we made it until the end of the lesson and we had enough time to eat it and take the rest home. And then we had to clean the kitchen for like 40 minutes.



Martin Bittner, 9.V

Aktualizace 19.06.2023, © ZŠ a MŠ, Brno, Horníkova 1, p. o.