Fakultní škola Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity

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Anglie - NEJ

Koncem září se naši osmáci a deváťáci vydali na výpravu za tradicemi a historií země, jejíž jazyk již mnoho let studují.

NEJvíce nabitý zároveň NEJnáročnější byl výlet do samého srdce Anglie - Londýna, kde měli možnost potkat Beefeaters strážce hradu Tower, z jeho hradeb vidět na Tower Bridge běžce běžící London Marathon, svézt se nejen lodí a metrem, ale i kolotočem London Eye, navštívit muzea, parky, čarodějný krámek Harryho Pottera, koupit si stavebnici v největším světovém Lego obchodu či vidět tučňáky naživo v London Aquarium.

NEJtradiční atmosféru malebného historického města okusili ve Stratford-upon-Avon, kde navštívili rodiště Shakespeara, NEJmlsnější jazýčky si přišly na své na místním food festivalu. NEJstrašidelnější byla herecká vystoupení v mučírnách hradu Warwick, NEJunikátnější byla výpravná show dravců na tomtéž hradu, NEJnezapomenutelnější byl zážitek ze Stonehenge a obrovská katedrála v Salisbury.

Dál již samy děti samy:

At 9:30 I met my classmates in front of the school and our trip started. It was really long, boring, funny as well, because we did a lot of crazy stuff.....I decided to go to London Aquarium and it was really cool, because I saw a lot of fish that I have never seen before and I also saw penguins for the first time....I bought 4 new books and also some traditional british sweets (Lucka, 9th grade)

After we met our "mom" we drove to her house. She was a millionaire I guess, because she had five living rooms. For dinner we had some type of pasta and for the dessert we had ice-cream, then we played famous "Jelly bean challenge". (Kája, 8th grade)

First we went to prime meridian in Greenwich, than we took UberBoat Thames Clipper, it was similar to MHD in Brno but we all felt so special...In St.James' Park there were so many squirrels! These were different from ours in the CR. They weren't scared of us and we of them, it was very exciting. (Klára, 8th grade)

I went to see Stonehenge. I really liked it cuz I often see some crazy theories and speculations about it and I loved to learn something new about it.......We went to the Natural history museum and it was amazing. I liked the bird section there. (Maruška, 9th grade)

We drove for 3 hours to se Stonehenge. I don't want to disrespect it but I feel like it's just a bunch of rocks and not a wonder of the World. But next we went to Salisbury to see the biggest cathedral there. (Jáchym, 8th grade)

I think I enjoyed the third day the most because there was a decent amount of walking....Stonehenge, some people tend to think, is boring, but I loved it. It was probably because the people I hung out with were fun.......I went to a natural history museum and cheered myself up when I bought some pretty rocks and a book about them....the way back home was kinda cool, even though they almost forgot me in Germany :-) (Katka, 9th grade, and we didn't forget her :-D)

Seeing our students chatting freely with host families or barging to the bookshops and buying original books in huge quantities made me the happiest teacher alive :-) (teacher)



Mgr. Hana Sikorová

Aktualizace 27.10.2022, © ZŠ a MŠ, Brno, Horníkova 1, p. o.