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Rozhovor s Barrym

Matyáš Ptáček a Duong Quang Tuan se rozhodli před Vánoci vyzpovídat Barryho, který pochází z Jamajky, dlouhou dobu žil v Anglii a u nás učí anglickou konverzaci. Pokud se chcete něco málo dozvědět o tom, jak se Barry těší na vánoční svátky a procvičit si u toho angličtinu, čtěte dále.

Interviewers: Hello! We would like to ask you some questions about Christmas in Jamaica and England.
Barry: OK!

Interviewers: First of all. Are you excited about Christmas?
Barry: Yes, because Christmas is a time when everybody is happy and nice to each other.

Interviewers: OK! What traditions do you have in England and Jamaica?
Barry: In London we eat turkey and in the morning we open presents. And I also have Czech dinner on 24th and British dinner on 25th.

Interviewers: Cool! Do you have any special food, songs or activities?
Barry: In Jamaica the food and weather is way different than here. People also go to the church.

Interviewers: And the last question. Do you like British or Czech Christmas more?
Barry: I like British Christmas more because of the food.

Interviewers: OK! Thank for your time!
Barry: Bye!

Mgr. Pavlína Gromanová

Aktualizace 21.12.2018, © ZŠ a MŠ, Brno, Horníkova 1, p. o.